5 Surprising Tips for Preventing Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can be very annoying to deal with. It might cause disruptions to your regular schedule and occasionally necessitate costly repairs. However, did you know that there are a few uncommon methods to avoid these clogs? We’ll look at five unexpected suggestions in this post that will help you maintain a clear plumbing system and drains.

1. Mesh Drain Covers

Are mesh drain covers familiar to you? These little devices are revolutionary. They easily slide over your drains to collect hair, food crumbs, and other debris before they cause an issue. They’re quite inexpensive and simple to install. Simply put one on, and the frequency of clogs you have to deal with will significantly decrease.

2. Flush with Hot Water

Forget harsh chemicals; a safer and more environmentally friendly method of preventing clogs is to flush your drains with hot water on a regular basis. The buildup of soap scum and grease in your pipes can be removed with the use of hot water. To keep those pipes spotless, simply dump a saucepan of boiling water down the drain once a week.

3. Say No to Grease

Grease accumulation in the drain is a common cause of clogs, despite its seemingly innocuous appearance. Allow it to cool and solidify in a container before discarding it in the garbage rather than letting it tumble down your sink. It’s a minor adjustment that can have a significant impact on avoiding recalcitrant obstructions.

4. Install a Water Softener

Although hard water might be harsh on pipes, it doesn’t have to be. One typical source of blockages, mineral buildup, can be avoided by using a water softener. Although there may be some initial costs, consider the total savings on plumbing repairs over time.

5. Schedule Regular Inspections

It is still a good idea to have professional drain inspections performed on a regular basis, even if everything appears to be in order. A plumber can examine your pipes for any indications of problems, such as buildup or damage, using specialized equipment. Early detection of these problems can spare you a great deal of hassles in the future.


Keeping your drains clear doesn’t have to be a chore. By following these five surprising tips, you can prevent clogs and keep your plumbing system in top shape. Whether it’s using mesh drain covers, flushing with hot water, or saying no to grease, there are plenty of simple yet effective ways to keep those pipes flowing smoothly. So go ahead, give these tips a try, and enjoy hassle-free drains for years to come!

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